If you are going to leave your dog outside in the cold in New York State, you can't leave them outside alone without some requirements.

There was this story of a woman who left her big dog outside in the cold. She claims that the dog likes the cold and that they even have a warmed garage, but a neighbor saw the dog barking outside for 20 minutes, so the neighbor decided to open up the door and let the dog in. In addition, the woman left a note 'scolding' her for leaving the dog outside. It has caused all this debate on social media over the past couple of days, but it raised a good question: what is the law over leaving dogs outside in the cold in New York State?

Dogs that are left outside must be provided shelter, according to the SPCA, under these circumstances:

  • INCLEMENT WEATHER: weather conditions likely to adversely affect the health or safety of the dog
  • DOG LEFT OUTDOORS: A dog that is outside in inclement weather without ready access to, or the ability to enter a house, apartment building, office building, or any other permanent structure that meets the minimum standards for shelter required by this law.

There are certain requirements on how big a 'structure' needs to be as well.

I think we can all agree it might just be common sense to most, but of course, there are always a few people who don't seem to have common sense.

What is the fine if you leave your dog out in cold weather without shelter? After 72 hours, you will start getting fined in New York State

  • The fines range from $50 – $100 for a first offense,
  • $100 – $250 each for offense after
  • The dog could be taken away after multiple fines.

You can see all the laws and rules here.

Josh Allen Of The Buffalo Bills Holding Puppies

That's all. Enjoy.

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