The fall is here and it is a good time to remember a very important law that has been put in place here in New York State.

Across New York State, there are homecoming parades, games and dances planned at high schools. colleges and universities! For many, the night includes a ride in a limousine to that dance or after-party.

But a famous case from a few years ago that involved a fatal limousine crash has popped up again and changed laws in New York State.

READ MORE: The 150 Feet Law In New York State

Here in New York State, many people recall a serious and tragic accident that gathered national attention back in 2018. There were 20 victims in the crash, and 18 of them were inside the limousine. New York State was on a mission to change the way we look at safety of passengers and other drivers around a limousine.

Under the Stretch Limousine Passenger Safety Act, New York State says "Prohibiting the operation of a stretch limousine that is over 10 years old or has mileage exceeding 350,000 miles, whichever occurs first".

It is a busy time of the year for limousine companies as people are planning holiday parties, homecoming and possibly looking ahead to the spring and prom and wedding season.

The driver in that famous fatal crash has recently been moved to Attica Prison in Western New York.

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Gallery Credit: Andrew Lisa

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