Whether you like it or not, winter is coming. It's going to do what it does every year, and the sooner we start getting the house ready, the better off we'll be. We all know there is a huge list of things that we should have done around the house to make sure we're prepared.

Now, if you're like me, then we all know that getting to those household chores is last on our to-do list. Winter readiness is often really low on the list; it's especially true when it's stuff that might cost us a bit of money to have taken care of. However, considering how rough an Empire State winter can be, it's probably time for us to just suck it up and get it done.

READ MORE: Start Preparing Now For A Winter Emergency In Buffalo, New York

Living in cities like Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, and NYC means we're likely to get all sorts of weather every year, and those weather conditions can damage our houses and apartments.

If you do some simple and regular inspections and preventative maintenance, you can avoid any issues before they come around and slap us in the face. When those winter emergencies hit, they have a way of being pretty expensive, which hurts even more when you realize
you could have saved a lot of money by doing some prep work.

So, if we assume we've already done all the things we need to do to prepare for a winter emergency, then this really short list of items to check now will help you stay ahead of routine home-owner concerns.

5 Tips To Get Ready For Winter In New York State

If you haven't noticed yet, winter is coming, and there are a few things you can do to prepare the homestead before the snow falls. 

Gallery Credit: Ed Nice

As the snowy season in the Empire State quickly approaches, these are just a few ideas of things you should do to be ready. What other tips or suggestions can you think of that would be helpful for people to get ready for the snow?

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