Hi Idiots.

We're nearing the end of the year. A time that is both the most stressful and the happiest of the year. The holidays are great because people are generally more cheerful, you're seeing family, and you're hopefully getting some time off. But then again, it's the holidays and you're seeing family, etc. It can be a mixed bag.

READ MORE: Meet The Latest Member Of Free Beer and Hot Wings: Willow |

But for us, we know for a fact we'll be taking a show break to end the year, and I don't know about the other members, but I for one am hoping to take a little trip with my time off. I have not decided where, but I have ideas.

Yosemite National Park
Photo by Sebastien Gabriel on Unsplash

Our show members range in how much they like traveling, from Kelly our resident adventurer to Hot Wings who is perfectly content staying at home and working on his lawn or something. So, what are some show member's dream vacations?


Mait wants to take a trip to Africa to visit the country of Nambia. If that sounds like a random choice, it wasn't for Maitlynn, who spent an entire afternoon once planning out a fantasy trip there. She wants to stay in one of those hotels where the giraffes can poke their heads inside, and take a trip to Victoria Falls as well.

Young giraffe in zoo

Hot Wings

Hot Wings has discussed this dream trip quite a bit on the show, but his dream to go to Germany for Oktoberfest so he can wear his lederhosen and get crazy. Oh, and visit a castle or two.

Photo by Diogo Brandao on Unsplash
Photo by Diogo Brandao on Unsplash

Free Beer

Free Beer wants to go tropical and head possibly THE pinnacle dream vacation location of Bora Bora where you can stay in huts on the water with the bluest clearest water you'll ever see.

Photo by Robert Edward Bradley on Unsplash
Photo by Robert Edward Bradley on Unsplash


Iowa. Incredible.

Photo by Sam Battaglieri on Unsplash
Photo by Sam Battaglieri on Unsplash

FBHW x 4th of July 2024

The Show was on holiday break with each member up to something different. Our interests brought us to places all around the state (and country).

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

Could This Be The Future Home of Free Beer and Hot Wings?

If each show member pays a measly 50k, this nightclub could be the future home of Free Beer and Hot Wings.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

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