It looks like the start of the New Year is a rough one here in Western New York.

According to the latest data from the CDC, the number of people in Western New York seeking medical attention for flu and RSV issues is considered "High".

The number of trips to emergency departments for treatment of flu and RSV issues was high and trips to the hospital for COVID-19 symptoms in Western New York increased from low to moderate.

The number of trips to the emergency room in Erie County for flu was considered "High", cases for "RSV" was considered "Very High" and trips for COVID-19 were considered Moderate.

In Niagara County, those stats were the same as in Erie County.

In Cattaraugus County, the number of trips to the emergency department for the flu was considered "low" while trips for RSV were "High" and for COVID-19 were considered "moderate"

In Chautauqua County, The number of trips to the emergency department for the flu was considered "high" while both cases of RSV and COVID-19 were considered "moderate"


If you don't feel well you are encouraged to contact your primary doctor ASAP and try to avoid contracting with others.

You are also encouraged to get the FLU, RSV, and COVID-19 vaccinations if possible to help prevent the spread of these diseases.

You can track the data provided by the CDC on the flu, RSV, and COVID-19 anytime by clicking HERE.

The CDC is predicting that this season of flu and RSV will be similar to last year and there will be a slight increase in COVID-19 cases compared to last year at this time.

Tips To Prevent The Flu

Flu prevention is key to protecting yourself and others. Get vaccinated today!

Gallery Credit: CANVA