It looks like you will get a break from the Christmas credit card bills today as the United States Postal Service will not be delivering mail today.

The USPS will suspend operations today due to the "Day of Mourning" in honor of the late President Jimmy Carter.

Today, January 9th, has been declared a National Day of Mourning by President Joe Biden to allow the country to mourn the loss of the 39th United State President Jimmy Carter.

Today will also be Carter's official state funeral, which will take place later this morning at the Washington National Cathedral.

Also closed today is the U.S. Supreme Court and the stock market. Former President Jimmy Carter passed away at the age of 100 on December 29th, 2024

The National Funeral Service will begin at 10 am and will last until around 2 pm when Carter's remains will be buried at Maranatha Baptist Church in Georgia. If you want to watch the funeral service today, it will be aired live on all four major US TV networks as well as cable stations CNN, MSNBC, CSPAN, and Fox News.

The funeral will also be broadcasted in Spanish on Telemundo and Univision.

President Biden, President-Elect Donald Trump as well as former Presidents Barrack Obama, George W Bush, and Bill Clinton are all expected to be at the funeral service as well.

Presidents Of The United States From The Great State Of New York

New York is called the Empire State for many reasons, one of which is our rich political history and the fact that we have had at least five Presidents of the United States.

Gallery Credit: Ed Nice