Today is Fat Tuesday and while much of the country will be looking for a baby in a cake, we here in Western New York will be downing delicious Polish donuts called Paczki. But are you saying it right?
The hot spot tomorrow for Fat Tuesday will be at the Broadway Market. You can grab you get your pączki while enjoying some live entertainment.
Celebrate Fat Tuesday and Pączki Day at the Broadway Market on Tuesday, March 5, 2019.
The market...
So it's Mardi Gras or as we like to call it Fat Tuesday. It is a whole day where we get to eat whatever kind of disgusting crap we want and get away with it. In honor of such a glorious day we have found the ultimate pet video. This video describes exactly how you should act on Fat Tuesday... greedy and well, fat.
Tonight is the night, JACK's 5th Annual Zero K Marathon at Jack Astor's Bar & Grill inside the Walden Galleria. We are putting the Fat in Fat Tuesday with the world's shortest marathon, this is for all of the out of shape, un-motivated, lazy or 'big-boned' track stars out there. If...
All day today, Jack FM has been playing snippets of songs about Paczki Day. Listeners have been asking us who it is. Well, those hilarious parodies were done by the Polish Muslims, and no they are not terrorists. But they do like to spread their Polish Pride among the masses.
Fat Tuesday... Possibly one of the best traditions practice EVER! It's the day before Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent, when you can eat all the fattest foods you want in one day. It's also known as Mardi Gras, one of the biggest party days of the year...