It's the last day to see the goats--but, now you can meet and take some pictures with them, too!
Now that the kids are out of school this is a great opportunity to get the kids out of the house for something fun! Erie County has hired a team of goats to eat the over grown vegetation at Como Park in Lancaster...
Stampedes have been known to destroy enormous swaths of land across the plains. Not this kind of stampede, though. This stampede is a baby-goat stampede, and all it destroys is sadness.
Goats are weird and adorable and hilarious in any situation. It's sort of perplexing, because the animals are also pretty talented in unusual ways, like fainting and screaming. Honestly, what?!
It's official -- goats yelling like humans has gone beyond just a viral video meme. Here is Los Angeles comedy troupe Olde Payphone yelling like goats yelling like humans.
YouTuber FollowtheFoot has an interesting idea for all of us. Take the classic "Wilhelm Scream" sound effect, and replace it with a screaming goat. Even if you think that's a totally dumb idea, you still get to hear some screaming goats if you watch this video, which is ALWAYS HILARIOUS.
Now that we think of it, why wouldn't you add footage of screaming goats to as many songs as you possibly could? Needless to say, this new internet trend makes much more sense to us than Harlem Shake videos or teenagers throwing gallons of milk into the air...