You can't expect classic comic book heroes like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman to act “super” all the time, can you? Even superheroes have to brush their teeth, pick their noses, scratch themselves down there, and pound back a few pints every now and then.
Superheroes are often used to cheer up kids who've been confined to the hospital. And while costumed do-gooders are always appreciated, a Pittsburgh-area window washing company thought of a novel way to make the experience even more memorable.
I was a greedy little kid, always demanding the latest Star Wars toys and asking for my favorite superhero action figures. My sister was actually quite jealous because as the youngest kid, I seemed to get everything I wanted.
When Disney bought Marvel a few years back, everyone’s imaginations went into hyperdrive. With Disney’s resources and bank account account at their disposal, surely we’d see our favorite Marvel characters brought to life in new and exciting ways. In fact, the day of the acquisition, your couldn’t browse the internet without stumbling over the question “Will Pixar get to make a Marvel movie?!” in e
If you’ve been paying attention to the Marvel Universe lately, this news shouldn’t surprise you but today we have word on what will be the next new (read: non-sequel) superhero movie from Marvel Studios. Hint: it’s not ‘Black Panther’ or ‘Ant-Man’…