Eric Walkuski

RoboCop in Real Life? Crime Fighting Robots Coming to New Jersey
Your childhood fantasy (or fear?) of seeing an officer of the law who is part man/part machine may be coming true soon, thanks to Researchers at Florida International University's Discovery Lab and a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Reserves. These folks are working to build "telepresence robots," which would patrol the streets while being controlled by disabled police officers and military v

Secret Siri: The Fun Movie Easter Eggs Hidden in Apple’s iOS6
The iPhone's iOS6 upgrade has brought Siri closer to sentience. At least when it comes to movies; the "personal assistant" now evidently feels sympathy towards some of its misunderstood cinematic counterparts. Want to know Siri's take on 'Blade Runner'? It could make you look at it in a whole new light.

‘Dumb and Dumber 2′ Finally Gets a Title as Script Nears Completion
We've been waiting patiently for a proper follow-up to 1994's 'Dumb and Dumber' for, well, almost 20 years now. (Let's not count that unfortunate prequel.) One of those projects that seems to have life for a moment once every two years, it has never felt like it was going to truly come together. But the stars appear to be aligning for our dopey friends, as writer-directors Peter and Bobby Farrelly