Every region has a few differences or quirks to the way they speak, and Buffalo, NY, is no exception. There are those nuances and changes to pronunciation that sound foreign to transplants and tourists.

Check out a few of Buffalonian's most notable quirks. This isn't ALL Buffalonians, but these things are definitely not rare either.

  • Abbreviate

    Orchard Park is OP. East Auroa? No, it's EA. Labatt Blue is just Blue. Avenue? Nope just say Av. Jim's SteakOut = Jim's. Mighty Taco is just Mighty. You get the idea.

  • Forget the T's

    Somehow those pesky 'extra t's' get dropped from certain words...maybe even 'cerTain'. It will sound like 'sir an'. 'Important' becomes 'im por an'. 'Button' sounds a lot like 'bu an'. Those T's just seem to disappear.

  • Don't Ask for a Check

    When you go out to eat don't say, "Can I have our check now." Instead ask, "What's da damage?"

  • THE Expressway

    Put 'the' before an expressway name. I am on 'THE 90 to THE 33.'

    Oh and while we are talking about roads you can interchange interstate numbers with their designated names in the same sentence.You could take The Youngman to The 90.

  • Somehow It's Possessive

    Buffalonian's change business names to the possessive, particularly when they are shortening them -- we told you how they like to abbreviate things.

    You might hear some Buffalonians refer to 'Hot Topic's' or 'Walmart's'. In the case of abbreviation, La Nova Pizzeria might become 'Nova's'.

    So they might say, "Let's go to Walmart's," when they are only going to a single Walmart location.

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