Sure summer is here in New York because the calendar says that June 21st is the official start of summer but it is not really summer until you hear the official sound of summer.

Finally, that sound is now playing all over New York. That would be the sound of the Ice Cream Truck. We all know it and we have been hearing the same song every summer for years and years.

It was earlier this week that I finally heard the official sound of summer in my neighborhood.

Yes..the sound of the ice cream truck followed by the screams of children running down the street is the sweet sound of summer.

Of course, as the summer goes on and the ice cream man decides to drive up and down the streets, in your neighborhood it might get tiresome or if you are like me, the summer weight starts packing on because you end up getting ice cream like every day because you have to get ice cream when you hear that sound.

I wasn't sure how often or when we would start hearing the sound of summer since gas prices are through the roof and  I assume that paying to drive around town in a big truck is costly.

So when you hear that sweet sound of summer make sure you grab a delicious treat and cool off and know that you are keeping a piece of our childhood alive every summer.

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