There may be some changes coming soon to youth sports in New York State if officials decide to go the same route as California.

We all want our kids to be safe and healthy. However, at what point does the line get drawn between parents and government intervention? How far should states go with their laws that are drawn up to keep kids safe? Do we want kids to live in a bubble? There are some who say that is becoming the case in states like New York and California.

But the other side of the argument is that kids are not ready to deal with with the types of hits and tackles that come with sports like tackle football and hockey. In California, the law is being designed to prevent kids under 12 from playing tackle football.

NBC News reports that:

advocates say the bill will protect kids from the risk of brain damage, which studies have shown increases the longer a person plays tackle football. And they note children can still enjoy the sport through flag football, which is becoming more popular and even has support from the NFL.

As far as New York State is concerned, the debate is still ongoing and has gained some strength after a last year's on-field incident that shocked the entire world.

We have three boys under the age of 8. While they are football fanatics, we are still on the fence about them playing tackle football. My wife and I seem to have differing opinions on this. She is rightfully concerned about concussions and other head and neck injuries. For me, it is all about the right coaching and learning the right way to take a hit, make a tackle or avoid one.

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