Certain homeowners in New York are eligible for up to $8,000 in assistance from the state to repair heating equipment. Winter in New York is often brutal, frigid, and long, leaving some homeowners struggling to keep the heat on. If your heating equipment needs repair or needs to be replaced, help is available. The program is open and accepting applications.

For the Northeast region, which includes Albany, there will be above-average snow from mid-to-late November, mid-December, and early to mid-January. Temperatures are expected to be above normal with the coldest temperatures hitting from mid-to-late November, early to mid-January, and early to mid-February.

In the Atlantic Corridor, which includes New York City, rain and snowfall will be above normal. The most snowfall is predicted to happen at the end of December, late January, and mid-February. Temperatures are expected to be above normal with the exception of January and February when they will potentially drop.

In the Appalachian region, which includes Elmira, there will be above-normal rain and snowfall. The most snow will fall in late December, mid-to-late January, and early to mid-February. The coldest temperatures will happen from January through mid-February.

For the Lower Lakes region, which includes Buffalo, snowfall will be above normal with the majority of it happening in late December, January, and mid-February. It will be colder than normal in early and late December, as well as January through mid-February.

Photo by Alex Padurariu on Unsplash
Photo by Alex Padurariu on Unsplash

New York State Has Money Available To Help Homeowners With Heating

In addition to getting financial help with paying for heating fuel, New York has funds available for homeowners to maintain heating equipment.

If you are a homeowner and eligible, the Heating Equipment Repair and Replacement benefit can help you repair or replace your furnace, boiler and other direct heating equipment necessary to keep your home's primary heating source working.

Depending on how much the boiler, furnace, or other heating equipment costs, eligible people could receive up to $4,000 for repairs or $8,000 for a replacement.

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How To Get A Heating Equipment Repair and Replacement Benefit

In order to receive funds, an applicant must meet income eligibility. The HEAP Local District Contact also requires an eligibility interview for all HERR applications. The application process is now open. HEAP Local District Contacts can be found here.

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New York State Residents Can Get Heating Assistance

New Yorkers who need help paying their heating bills this winter can get money from the state too. The Home Energy Assistance Program, also known as HEAP, will begin accepting applications on November 1, 2023. Low- and middle-income residents and seniors can apply to receive aid.

Young african woman using smart home touch screen iot monitor thermostat technology device on wall. Automatic security surveillance panel energy heating connected appliance system. Smart home concept
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The assistance payments are distributed by the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance. New Yorkers who need help can receive one regular benefit per season. If a household is at risk of losing its heat due to a utility shut-off, it could also be eligible for an emergency benefit. Emergency benefits applications will be accepted starting January 2, 2024.

New York residents outside of the City can apply here. NYC residents can apply here.

These Counties Have The Most Food Stamp Recipients Per Capita In New York

SNAP usage has increased across the state since the start of the pandemic

Gallery Credit: Ed Nice

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