The Top 50 Nu-Metal Albums of All Time (Ranked)
A genre that changed the world of metal forever, nu-metal had a firm 10-year grasp on music from around 1994 until 2004, and essentially defined a large chunk of pop-culture.
Combining elements of metal, electronica, funk and hip-hop, nu-metal was forever innovative and hard to nail down sonically as it was all about breaking the rules in favor of self-expression. From nu-metal’s rebellion, we welcomed into our homes legendary acts such as Slipknot, Korn and System of a Down, who all still continue to keep the spirit of the genre alive well into the 21st Century.
READ MORE: 20 Nu-Metal Covers of Popular Songs
Defining what bands are nu-metal and what bands aren't is also pretty tricky. Some don't really fit the categorization in full, but were lumped in with the era at the time. We've gone ahead and included those artists, too. You can disagree all you want — that's part of the fun. It's all in good spirits and looking at one of metal's biggest movements.
Below, we’ve compiled the top 50 nu-metal albums of all time.