What Happened to the MCU’s Post-Credits Scenes?
For a long time, the obligatory post-credits scene at the end of every Marvel Cinematic Universe movie was one of the most exciting parts of the studio’s films. It all started with Iron Man and the shocking debut of Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury, and continued right through the first Avengers, which introduced Thanos. They were fantastic hints of what was to come, and they really established the idea that everything at Marvel is connected.
Lately, though, MCU’s post-credits scene feel more than obligatory; they feel a little desperate, and even confused. We’re now several years removed from some Marvel Phase Four scenes that have never been mentioned again in any context. (Remember when Shang-Chi featured appearances from Captain Marvel and Bruce Banner? The Marvels movie and She-Hulk show didn’t!) In our latest Marvel video, we look at recent post-credits scenes, examine whether or not Marvel has followed up on them, and discuss the larger issue here: Whether the MCU is spinning into chaos and has lost track of the careful planning and teasing that made it so effective in its early years. Watch the video below:
READ MORE: The Evolution of Marvel’s Iconic Logo
If you liked that video on Marvel’s increasingly frustrating post-credits scenes lately, check out more of our videos below, including one on how Secret Invasion looks even worse after you watch The Marvels, our video on all the Easter eggs in The Marvels, and our recap of all of Ms. Marvel and what you need to know before The Marvels. Plus, there’s tons more videos over at ScreenCrush’s YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe to catch all our future episodes. The Marvels is in theaters now.
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