WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Who could forget Ames? My '80s/'90s action figure collection certainly hasn't. Plenty of "collect 'em all!" pursuits unfolded between those hallowed aisles. So Ames stores will always have a special place in my heart.

Well, in Carthage, New York, right outside out Watertown, sits an a ghostly shell of retail's past-- an abandoned Ames store straight out of your nightmares. But what about action figures? Any left over? Let's find out.


The once-thriving Ames Department Stores had a profound impact on small communities across the United States. As a kid I frequented the Oneonta one, but Carthage was no exception.

WallieB26 via YouTube
WallieB26 via YouTube

Founded in 1958, Ames grew to become one of the largest discount department store chains in the country. However, economic shifts and change in consumer behavior forced the closure of most Ames during the early 2000s.

But thanks to YouTuber the abandoned place man, we're able to take a look inside the empty and neglected Carthage location. It ain't great in there. Trash, damage, and the fading memories of back-to-school sales are all that remain.

Thankfully, this person risked tetanus to get a glimpse inside, so we don't have to. It's worth repeating that you should never enter abandoned properties. Yeah, they're dangerous, but more importantly.... you might get caught. And it's not worth the headache.

Check out a video of the abandoned Ames below:

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