A writer and pop culture consultant who’s worked with Kiss for decades predicted that Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley would sell the brand to a “conglomerate” when the time comes for them to bow out.

Both original members have regularly stated that they see a future for the organization after their retirement. In a recent interview with Vinyl Writer Music, the band’s catalog consultant, Robert V. Conte, shared his own thoughts.

“Every incarnation of Kiss is unique in its own way and there are things I appreciate about them all,” he said. “As long as Gene and Paul remain with the group, I would rather Kiss continue in some form than stop altogether. However, don’t be surprised if someday the brand is sold to some big conglomerate when those two decide to retire.”

He added: “Kiss should outlive those who kept the flame lit, so to speak, just like Mickey Mouse and Batman. Those iconic characters didn’t stop after the retirement and/or deaths of their creators. For better or for worse, they evolved as necessary in order to remain relevant and interesting.”

With the band’s End of the Road farewell tour set to resume soon, Conte said he’d love to see all living members and ex-members take part in some way. “Honestly, I wish that KIss’ second drummer Eric Carr and third guitarist Mark St. John were still alive and well, and that they had the opportunity to see and enjoy all the appreciation and love their fans continue to have for them,” he explained. “A dream of mine would be to see Ace [Frehley], Tommy [Thayer], Bruce Kulick and Vinnie Vincent get on stage for an all-guitar jam. That would be fantastic!”

He continued: “Of course, Peter [Criss] coming out to sing ‘Beth,’ ‘Hard Luck Woman,’ ‘Hooligan’ and ‘Dirty Livin’’ would be awesome, but I am grounded in reality and realize these deep fantasies – cool as they may be – are unlikely to happen. But, who knows?”

Kiss Lineup Changes: A Complete Guide

An in-depth guide to all of the personnel changes undergone by the "hottest band in the land," Kiss.

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