When the snow comes back in March we tend to get a little antsy remaining indoors... But let's remember people, pranks can hurt the victim not only physically but emotionally.... But it is sooo worth it! Tis the season for pranks people... April 1st is just around the corner so check out some of these amazing pranks and if you get some ideas on how to pass the time... Oh and a few tips before you decide to pull a prank:

 Make sure the victim doesn't have any underlying health issues... otherwise, the prank will be on you.

2. If you are about to pull a prank the involves hitting the victim in the face... try to have some consideration and make sure it is light enough to not make them bleed. You will already be scaring them out of their pants a hospital visit does not need to go along with that!

3. If you are doing it in your own home make sure it wont make a very large mess. Chances are you will be cleaning it up... OK, just make sure it is worth every second of clean up!!

4. Whatever/Whoever the prank involves make sure the end result will not land you in the court room with a lawsuit!

That's really about it!!! Now go get creative

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