
Robot Overloads Take Fun Out of Rock, Paper, Scissors
Robot Overloads Take Fun Out of Rock, Paper, Scissors
Robot Overloads Take Fun Out of Rock, Paper, Scissors
We all know robots have a tendency to be real jerks once they get smart, and this robot is no exception. Its creators figured out a way to incorporate a high-speed camera to see what move a human opponent will throw, and the robot reacts so quickly that we can't see he's cheating...
Groom Cheats on Wife During Wedding Reception
Groom Cheats on Wife During Wedding Reception
Groom Cheats on Wife During Wedding Reception
We’ve heard of cheating before the wedding or during the honeymoon, but in the middle of the actual reception, moments after swapping vows and promising to love, honor, respect and blah blah blah? Well, an Austrian groom has sunk to a new level of douchebaggery by banging a waitress during his wedding reception.