It seems like it is harder and harder to find something to do. Here's an idea that is spontaneous, fun and it will force you and your spouse to be creative and do something that you've never done before. Check out this great date idea! It's called the Penny Date Night!
People have been responding with so many words of encouragement after Candice Curry wrote this letter. She decided that after her ex-husband got married, she would write his new wife, Ashley this letter.
"To My Daughter’s Stepmom,
I never wanted you here. You simply were never part of...
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If you love cats--remember you don't love them more than Debbie here.
She loves cats as I'm sure by now you know, but for crying out loud when does she realize that she is over-the-top? (HINT: She doesn't) This is a real eHarmony video and this girl has been all over the internet for days and if you haven't seen it in a while be ready to laugh all over again...
Apparently, this guy has a girlfriend with a
A New York Home Depot has reportedly fired one of its employees for having a lip tattoo of his ex-girlfriend's name, ISIS which, apparently has a different meaning.
Ever be on a seriously BAD date after been going out with them for a little while?
A 29-year-old girl went on 3 dates with dude that she says is super creepy now.
So, how'd she get rid of him? She faked her own death, duh.
He kept texting her so she ,pretending to be her sister, and said, "This is Ann-Marie's sister, I am really sorry to tell you but she was taken into the hospital with a ve