If you or someone you know gets, what others would call, “overly enthusiastic” about the fair each year, they just may be deserving of the title of the Greatest Fair Fan in Western New York.
The Erie County Fair is all about food, fun, and competitions! If you're planning on competing at the fair this year, here are the deadlines to know about.
It feels like the summer is winding down with it being the final weekend of the fair, but there are still plenty of events and concerts happening around Western New York.
It’s the time of year that we have all been waiting for: the Best 12 Days of the Summer. A lot of us go for the animals, others for the rides, but whatever you seek at the Erie County Fair, most visits end with one thing in particular.
When it comes to why people go to the Erie County Fair, the food has to be in the top 3 for a lot of people. Today, you've got a chance to eat more for less.