hot dogs

Hot Dog!
Hot Dog!
Hot Dog!
The 97th annual Nathan's Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest was held on the Fourth of July in Coney Island. Joey Chestnut managed to not only win the championship title for the seventh straight year, he also set a new world record by eating 69 hot dogs in just ten minutes.
Hot Dog Lady Selling Sex On The Side
Hot Dog Lady Selling Sex On The Side
Hot Dog Lady Selling Sex On The Side
Catherine Scalia is clueless, but she is hilarious. The 45-year-old mother of four from Long Island, NY, operates a hot dog stand during the day and sells sex,........ strips and gives lap dances at night in her home at $100 a pop. Everything was smooth sailing, until one fateful day last week when she landed her stripping business card to an undercover officer...