pumpkin spice

Buffalo Will Smell Like Pumpkin Spice Soon
Buffalo Will Smell Like Pumpkin Spice Soon
Buffalo Will Smell Like Pumpkin Spice Soon
It's happening. It's only August 8th, but the pumpkin spice trend is already creeping in; and the question is – will our city now smell like pumpkin spice instead of regular old Cheerios? General Mills announced the new flavor is coming soon – soon enough to be on sale everywhere by the end of the month...
Too Much?
Too Much?
Too Much?
Like it or not, fall is here, (pretty much, let's not get technical about it, okay?). We all know what that means -- hot apple cider, digging out your sweaters from the back of the closet, and people going on and on about how much they love pumpkin spice lattes.