Sadly, Matt Groening's long-running cartoon 'Futurama' was canceled earlier this week after seven seasons and 140 episodes on two different networks. Yes, we'll miss Fry, Leela and the rest of the crew, but we'll miss Bender, the acerbic, cigar-chomping robot, the most. But it's not all bad news -- Bender has rightfully earned himself a place among the most memorable robots in pop culture.
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Have you ever wondered what kind of music robots would make? Turns out they can pull off some pretty sick 1980s drum machine beats, as evidenced by this video, which features the MR-808, an electromechanical music robot, emulating some oh-so-80s beats.
Your childhood fantasy (or fear?) of seeing an officer of the law who is part man/part machine may be coming true soon, thanks to Researchers at Florida International University's Discovery Lab and a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Reserves. These folks are working to build "telepresence robots," which would patrol the streets while being controlled by disabled police officers and military v
‘Prometheus’ opens this tomorrow, marking director Ridely Scott’s return to the ‘Alien’ franchise, and the return of one of the hottest women on the planet, Charlize Theron, to the multiplex. Theron is rumored to be playing a villainous android in ‘Prometheus, billed as a prequel of sorts to Scott’s 1979 classic space-set thriller ‘Alien.’