Today is actually a real National Day celebrating Superheroes. Superheroes can be fictional or real. The Fictional Superheroes we all know ell are Superman, Batman, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Spiderman, etc...and out Real Superheroes are possibly Mom, Dad, Police Officers, Military Personnel, etc...
2016 is almost over! Hallelujah! With everything that’s happened in the last 12 months, we can’t wait to rip the last page of our 2016 Spider-Man wall calendar and hang up our 2017 Spider-Man wall calendar.
In just one week we’ll finally get to see who will win in the fight between the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel, when Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters. But you don’t have to wait that long to get a new look at Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman, which you can gaze upon while you listen to Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL’s complete score for Zack Snyder’s DC superhero epic.