Joe DiNardo
Robot Overloads Take Fun Out of Rock, Paper, Scissors
We all know robots have a tendency to be real jerks once they get smart, and this robot is no exception.
Its creators figured out a way to incorporate a high-speed camera to see what move a human opponent will throw, and the robot reacts so quickly that we can't see he's cheating...
92 Things to do Instead of Complain About the Heat
Yeah, so with the heat index, it's supposed to be over 90 degrees today. Whoopdi-friggin-do. Chances are, you can't do much of anything without someone bringing up just how hot it's supposed to be today.
Win $500 From JackFM!
You know we're broke. Sorry.
A Reason To Love The Miami Dolphins [VIDEO]
OK, we know what you're thinking..."The Dolphins? The MIAMI DOLPHINS? LOVE THEM?! ARE YOU CRAZY JACK???" The short answer is yes, yes we are in fact crazy. Crazy about this lip-dub video the Dolphins Cheeleaders did for song-of-the-moment "Call Me Maybe...
PSA: Don’t Dress Up Like a Zombie and Chase People in Miami [VIDEO]
Just a week after the almost unbelievable zombie-like attack on a homeless man in Miami, this genius decided it was prank time. Around the two-minute mark, the thought that it might be "too soon" started to dawn on him as one of his potential victims brandished a gun...
Kids Reenact Beastie Boys ‘Sabotage’
Beastie Boys - Sabotage / MCA tribute from James Winters on Vimeo.
In possibly the greatest tribute video ever created, James Winters of Portland enlisted his kids to re-create the Beastie Boys' classic 'Sabotage' as a tribute to Adam 'MCA' Yauch...
Wednesday’s Unfair Springteen Internet Advantage
Tomorrow listen in the 8am, 2pm, and 9pm hours to qualify for the sold out show.
Men of Chelsea Lately – Comedy Show [VIDEOS]
The Men of Chelsea Lately featuring Brad Wollack, Chris Franjola and Josh Wolf Friday-May 4th 8pm at UB Center For The Arts.
This Elephant Is Better Than You At Technology
If you thought it was embarrassing enough that you had to call your 10 year old niece or nephew every time you want to figure out how to work that new app you just downloaded...prepare yourself for additional humiliation. Peter the elephant shows just how easy it is to use the new Samsung Galaxy Note...
The Greatest Ad For Mineral Water, Ever. [NSFW]
We have no idea where to buy Vytautas Mineral Water, but man would have we been itching to make a smoothie that includes a jet fighter and be sexy like tiger. Check out all the awesomeness:
(via Murocker)