Win Def Leppard Tickets All Day With Jack’s Ticket Thingy
Hey, nobody has given away more tickets than Jack FM. That's because we're desperate for your love.
Today, we're giving away Def Leppard tickets every hour starting at 9 a.m. Love bites, so we'll beg and plead for your love and affection by hooking you up. Just listen for the cue to call (Hint: It's at the top of every hour), and leave us an entertaining message. That's the key -- entertain us.
We'll pick random callers from the best calls we get. Be funny or interesting -- no, more funny! C'mon, we may be a cheap date, but we're not easy.
We're featuring tons of Def Leppard, Poison and Lita Ford music today, too, and make sure you tune in Friday night after the show for our Def Leppard After Party.