Free Meals Being Provided to Kids in Niagara County
Officials in Niagara county want to make sure that kids are getting the meals that they need while they are out on summer break.

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is underway in Niagara County, as it aims to get kids the nutrition that they need while they are out of school and home for summer break. The program will be offering meals that are comparable to the meals children receive during the year that are part of the National School Breakfast and National School Lunch Programs.
The Summer Food Service Program is federally funded and provides meals to all children at its approved SFSP sites. Meals will be made available to children age 18 and under.
The free meals will be served Monday through Friday at the following locations in Niagara County:
Lockport: Altro Park, Dolan Park, Outwater Park The Salvation Army – Cottage Street
Niagara Falls: Niagara Falls Public Library, Packard Court Community Center, Pioneer Memorial Church, The Salvation Army on Buffalo Ave.
North Tonawanda: Payne Park
There will also be free meals available at these locations in Erie County:
Kenmore/Tonawanda: Sheridan Parkside Community Center, Lincoln Park
Most of the above sites will start serving meals today (Monday, June 27th). Meals will not be served on July 4th in observation of Independence Day. The Niagara County Youth Bureau states that acceptance and participation requirements for the program are the same for all regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability.
To find the location closest to you, you can text the word “Food” to 304-304. For more information on the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), CLICK HERE, or call (716) 278-6873.
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