Considering Buffalo and Western New York are on the verge of a major January thaw, it's hard to believe that just over a week ago, the entire region was smacked with frigid temperatures and hurricane-force winds that helped blow several feet of snow into the 716. But that is exactly what happened when we got hit with two back-to-back snow storms that left upwards of 80 inches of snow in some parts of the Buffalo area.

With more than 6.5 feet of snow falling in some areas within a 5-day span, it's no wonder that several places in Western New York just shut down. When snow as tall as Josh Allen falls in the area, you have to take steps to make sure people and property are safe.

But how exactly do you move 2 yards of snow off of the roads and make them passable for traffic?

The folks at the New York State Department of Transportation asked themselves that exact same question, and by the looks of things, a new piece of snow-fighting equipment they unveiled last week helped to do just that.

New York's Massive Industrial Snowblower Used To Clear Roads

Have you ever asked yourself what happens when you mix a massive snowplow with an even bigger snow blower? Well, when you do, you end up with a huge machine that can move a whole lot of snow.

These huge 200-horsepower snowblowers are mounted on front-loaders and can move upwards of two thousand tons of snow per hour.

New York has used industrial snowblowers like these for years in Northern New York, and we're glad to see them make an appearance in Western New York.

5 Vehicles That Don't Belong On The Roads In A Snowstorm

Gallery Credit: Clay Moden

Here Are A Few Things To Do To Get Ready For A Winter Snowstorm

Before the winter weather in New York starts getting bad, here are a few steps that you can take right now to make sure you're ready to ride out the weather.

Gallery Credit: Ed Nice

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