Spirit Halloween Already Popping Up In Western New York
It feels like this year has flown by. We’re already just nine days away from August and the Buffalo Bills start training camp on Sunday morning.
Despite the fact that the year has flown by, the summer is nowhere close to over. We technically have two months left of summer and over six weeks until Labor Day. It’s humid, hot and feels like we’re in the midst of the warm weather months.

But as you may know, retailers and corporations love to get a head start on the next holiday or season on the horizon. Christmas seems like the number one answer for that but fall and Halloween is up there as well. This week, one of the biggest (if not the biggest) Halloween retailer made its return to Western New York..in the middle of July.
Joe DiBiase of WGR radio in Buffalo tweeted out that he spotted a sure sign that fall is on the horizon…a Spirit Halloween storefront.
I’m not sure if they’re even open yet, but if they have that up already, then you know it’s opening in the next couple of weeks at the latest.
Spirit Halloween specializes in anything and everything Halloween related. Costumes, decorations, snacks and anything else for a great Halloween party.
It’s July though. We haven’t even started NFL preseason games yet, let alone have gotten to Labor Day Weekend. I know these things always get a head start but this feels like a REALLY big head start.