SUNY Schools Waiving Application Fees For Limited Time
Kids who are thinking about attending college next year will get a break from the application process over the next couple of weeks.
As of yesterday, The State University of New York school system announced that they are waiving the application fee for all state schools.

Students can submit up to 5 applications for free between now and November 4th. Usually, the cost to submit an application is $50 so that means students can save up to $250 during the next two weeks.
Students can apply using the SUNY website, the college websites, or the common application app. Each of those websites will allow students to pay the 0 application fee.
The best part is that you don't have to do anything extra to get the deal. You just fill out the application like normal and then when you go to apply, the promo discount will be taken off your bill automatically.
This a great way for students to apply to several places and see what kind of scholarship offers and financial aid they can get from each school.
My son is a senior in High School and he plans on applying to five different schools. He is hoping that by applying to several different ones he can have the best odds of getting into one of his top three schools.
The SUNY System is made up of 64 different institutions located all across New York State. This will also be a good time to apply if you have thought about going back to school full or part-time.
As a product of SUNY Brockport, I can tell you firsthand how amazing a SUNY education is.