Today is actually a real National Day celebrating Superheroes. Superheroes can be fictional or real. The Fictional Superheroes we all know ell are Superman, Batman, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Spiderman, etc...and out Real Superheroes are possibly Mom, Dad, Police Officers, Military Personnel, etc...
If you liked the scene in Batman v Superman where Bruce Wayne watched YouTube videos about the future members of the Justice League, you'll love Suicide Squad. Instead of just one scene of plot-stopping fan service, Suicide Squad delivers an entire first act of soul-deadening exposition. The movie spends nearly 30 story-free minutes with a Machiavellian bureaucrat while she sits in a restaurant discussing a top secret personnel file. Here is Deadshot, the world’s greatest assassin; this is Harley Quinn, the Joker’s psychotic girlfriend. Oh, and have you heard about Captain Boomerang? And on and on and on.