
WATCH: This Blackhead Remover Can Squeeze Them So Quick [VIDEO]
WATCH: This Blackhead Remover Can Squeeze Them So Quick [VIDEO]
WATCH: This Blackhead Remover Can Squeeze Them So Quick [VIDEO]
Ever use one of these before? I recently bought something like this to combat a little blackhead action, but have no clue if they are really as good as these videos seem. These blemish extractors come in at least two styles: a wire loop like this one, and a style where the end looks like a small spoon with a hole in the bottom...
Woman Finds Body Parts in Freezer She Bought
Woman Finds Body Parts in Freezer She Bought
Woman Finds Body Parts in Freezer She Bought
This is sick. A woman in North Carolina was shocked when she looked into a used freezer she bought and found parts of a dead body inside. Her neighbor sold it to her for 30 bucks and didn't open it until 3 weeks later and then police confirmed they were human remains...
The Coolest Buffalo, NY-Themed Tattoos [PICTURES]
The Coolest Buffalo, NY-Themed Tattoos [PICTURES]
The Coolest Buffalo, NY-Themed Tattoos [PICTURES]
Buffalonians are pretty passionate people -- especially about their hometown. We love beer, football, hockey, chicken wings and everything 716; and we will permanently put that on our body because that's how proud we are. Tweet your tattoos with #buffalonytattoo...

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