Buffalo Owed Millions In Fees From Ambulance ServiceBuffalo Owed Millions In Fees From Ambulance ServiceAs New York State's second largest city is looking for ways to deal with a looming budget shortfall, officials are discovering tons of unpaid bills. Ed NiceEd Nice
Massive “Hidden” Tunnel System Found in Buffalo New YorkMassive “Hidden” Tunnel System Found in Buffalo New YorkSome of these 'hidden' tunnels in Buffalo were part of the underground railroad or from prohibition and you have to see these pictures.Rob BanksRob Banks
Swastikas Found Inside Buffalo City Hall?Swastikas Found Inside Buffalo City Hall?There are some symbols in Buffalo City Hall that appear to be swastikas. The swastika symbols appear to be part of the original design. People were super mad or offended when pictures of the swastikas took off on social media.Rob BanksRob Banks
It takes 1 month for a ticket to get to Buffalo City Hall It takes 1 month for a ticket to get to Buffalo City HallI promise you I will never be able to park another car for the rest of my life without being reminded of this conversation.Greg BauchGreg Bauch
Buffalo City Hall Looks Like Gotham City [PHOTO]Buffalo City Hall Looks Like Gotham City [PHOTO]Check out this amazing photo of Buffalo City Hall.Chris OwenChris Owen