Price Increase Immediately on Cigars + Cigarettes in New York StatePrice Increase Immediately on Cigars + Cigarettes in New York StateCigarettes and certain cigars have immediately gotten more expensive in New York State. The new tax is on certain cigars in New York State and all cigarettes.Rob BanksRob Banks
Does New York’s Flavored Tobacco Ban Have Racial Undertones?Does New York’s Flavored Tobacco Ban Have Racial Undertones?Is there more to the latest tobacco ban in the Empire State that just the health of the general publicEd NiceEd Nice
Will NY Ban The Flavored Cigars That Weed Smokers Love?Will NY Ban The Flavored Cigars That Weed Smokers Love?There are many marijuana smokers who could see their favorite cigar of choice be banned in New York State.Yasmin YoungYasmin Young
5 Great Deals In Buffalo: From Food and Drink to Fine Cigars [LIST]5 Great Deals In Buffalo: From Food and Drink to Fine Cigars [LIST]Five Great Deals in Buffalo.The DeanThe Dean