
Yet Again, Another Dog Incident After Puppy Dies on Plane
Yet Again, Another Dog Incident After Puppy Dies on Plane
Yet Again, Another Dog Incident After Puppy Dies on Plane
United Airlines is not have a good couple of weeks here. Starting in a couple weeks, United will issue brightly colored bag tags to people that are traveling with pets. This is all after one pet died when the flight attendant told a passenger to put a bag with a dog inside in the over-head compartment. ...
People Know When They Die, According To New Research
People Know When They Die, According To New Research
People Know When They Die, According To New Research
Creepy a bit? But, it's real life. They're brain is still working after they die, according to New York University’s Langone School of Medicine in a new study. For a brief period after death, they say they are dead, but the brain goes momentarily into a “hyper-alerted state”. They are studying ...

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