How the Doors Stumbled Into ‘Strange Days’How the Doors Stumbled Into ‘Strange Days’"Strange days have found us," Jim Morrison sang on the title track, and it was undeniably true. Nick DeRisoNick DeRiso
When Led Zeppelin Cleaned Up After Disastrous Doors ConcertWhen Led Zeppelin Cleaned Up After Disastrous Doors ConcertLed Zeppelin were on the rise in the summer of 1969, while Doors frontman Jim Morrison was in the midst of a long and painful public downward spiral. On July 27, the two bands met going in opposite directions.Jeff GilesJeff Giles
55 Years Ago: The Doors Stumble Through Experimental ‘Soft Parade’55 Years Ago: The Doors Stumble Through Experimental ‘Soft Parade’Wildly uneven, the LP went platinum anyway – but likely only because of earlier successes.Nick DeRisoNick DeRiso