Genius Target Hack For Parents In Western New York
A big part of our weekend involves getting things done around the house, taking the kids to t-ball, doing laundry and dishes and, maybe one of the most popular events, taking a trip to Target. If you have kids, you know how much of a challenge it can be to get in and out and not have too much stress.
I found this video from MissRhae on TikTok that has a few genius hacks for us parents to try. I especially like the one about the return policy for Cat & Jack clothing. With three growing (picky) boys under 6-years-old, there is always an issue with what they WANT to wear.
I feel like when we were kids, we didn't get to choose what clothes we were going to wear for the day. But times have changed, and mom and I have decided to pick our battles in some areas.
According to this TikTok video,
...if you purchase a Cat & Jack item you will have 365 days to return it. No issues and no questions. You can return it for what you paid for it.
The summer is well underway and the back-to-school items are in the stores. As hard as that is to take, because we hate to rush summer, we have decided to beat the rush and get the stuff we need early. The PLAN is to check the items off the list before the last minute and the night before the first day. But if your family is like ours, being on time and keeping a plan in place is a challenge and I have learned to TRY to embrace it all.
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