Voelker’s Bowling Could Be Legally Forbidden To Be Knocked Down
Isn't it sad when a building or a business that has been there for so many years comes down? Or maybe it was a place that holds so many memories for you. You hear the generation before us tell us about what used to be in a certain location or a business that has since turned into something else.
For me, it is the Depew Skating Rink. Everyone in my generation that grew up in the Lancaster, West Seneca, Cheektowaga area remembers the place. It was a massive skating rink and it was like we lived there on Friday and Saturday nights. Now, when you go by you are the one telling everyone: 'that used to be a big skating rink there'. Now, it is a strip plaza (which, oddly still is empty after a few years) on Transit Road by the Depew High School.
The skating rink was no historical landmark, but one other Buffalo business, that a lot of Western New Yorkers have so many memories at, is Voelker's Bowling, which everyone thought was going to be knocked down.
But, not so fast.
Earlier this Spring, it looked like Voelker's Bowling was coming down as the owners, which are still in the Voelker Family, cited it crumbling down.
Now, the Buffalo Preservation Board voted to recommend landmark status for the 124-year-old bowling alley. What is the next step? The vote for Voelker's would go to the Buffalo Common Council and if it passes in favor of keeping it standing, it legally cannot be knocked down.
The owners then would have their hands tied.
What was one business or building that you have great memories of that is no longer around? Let us know and we will make a list on Facebook!
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