Does anyone really eat SPAM anymore? Apparently so, and in large numbers. Most people hear the name of the canned meat product and nearly dry heave at the thought of it. However, we've found a guy who swears by the product and even uses it as a main ingredient in a cooking contest.

A Buffalo News article  this week highlighted a tradition of a major SPAM fan. Jim Yuhnke, a veteran boy scout leader, helps lead a group of almost 500 boy scouts on an annual winter campouts. One of the highlights from these campouts is a cooking competition that centers around one main ingredient, SPAM. With recipes of his own ranging from  teriyaki SPAM kabobs to SPAM Reuben's, Yuhnke has been dubbed the SPAM King by his scouts.

In honor of Jim, we've decided to add our 5 favorite SPAM recipes....Don't be afraid, give them a try....

5.) Mini SPAM Nacho Burgers (recipe)

4.) Creamy SPAM and Pasta Nachos (recipe)

3.) SPAMSGIVING Day Delight (recipe)

2.) SPAMKIN'S Breakfast Muffins (recipe)

1.) SPAMaroni and Cheese Swaddlers (recipe)

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