Canisius Student Files Lawsuit For Going Virtual But Charging The Same Tuition
Many schools and colleges are committing, at least in part, to virtual classes this fall because of COVID-19 concerns. For example, Buffalo's Canisius College will operate along a multi-modal learning format, which includes both face-to-face and online classes*.
*Correction: WYRK originally reported that Canisius classes would be held entirely online. In fact, multi-modal learning will be in place for the Fall 2020 semester.
However, not all college students are happy about the inclusion of virtual classes, especially with tuition staying the same. One student at Canisius has decided to take action.
According to WKBW, a Canisius student has filed a class-action lawsuit against the school for moving classes online, during the spring 2020 and summer 2020 semesters, while charging the same tuition.
The student says he paid for college because of the in-person classes and educational experiences, and wants his money back because the college cannot provide that.
The lawsuit says that the college has not refunded any of the tuition, including mandatory fees needed to cover in-person classes.
You can see more here.
The tuition at Canisius for one year is just over $28,000, with $1,600 a semester in mandatory fees.
This makes one wonder if more students will go to this length, especially since someone decided to file a lawsuit now?
What do you think? Does the student deserve some tuition back for the school only holding online classes?