Get Your Broken Taillight Fixed for Free With Lights On Program in NY
There's a new program that hopefully more police departments across New York will adopt that gives drivers of a vehicle with a broken light a voucher to get it fixed instead of a ticket.
I've been pulled over a few times for a taillight out on my Jeep. I had a bad ground that would cause it to flicker or look dim. The police officers that pulled me over were pretty cool about it and never gave me a ticket, but told me to fix it. I'm pretty mechanically inclined so it wasn't a big deal for me to figure out what was wrong and fix it myself, but not everyone is a gearhead that loves to work on vehicles like I am.
There is a nationwide program called "Lights On!" that is trying to get people all over the United States to fix their broken taillights. Currently, the Saugerties Police Department is the only department that is participating in the program that will fix a broken taillight for free.
If you're rolling through Saugerties with a busted taillight and you get pulled over, a police officer will hand you a voucher instead of a ticket. The voucher is good to have your burnt-out bulb replaced for free at a couple of different garages in town. It gives you 14 days to fix the taillight and keeps you from paying an expensive ticket.
It's really a win-win for everyone. You don't have to pay a ticket and the roads are safer with more fixed taillights.
Now, how about a voucher to fix all the vehicles that are rusted all the way to the roof from our New York winters?