How Much Sex are College Students Really Having? Survey Says…
Ah, College -- it's not just the place to get an advanced education, but a carnal education as well. On campus we learn a lot about hooking up (and if we're lucky, some freaky experimentation) before settling down after graduation. Are students really hitting the sheets as much as they are hitting the books? According to a recent Sexual Satisfaction Survey conducted by Lifestyles Condoms, they sure are. Lucky bastards.
After polling students aged 18-24 here's what they discovered about the amount—and they type—of sex taking place behind closed dorm doors:
Sex is the Norm
No virgins in this group; since this was a sex survey, not one of the respondents said they had never had sex. 33% said they hit the sheets several times per week, and 12% admitted being lucky enough to get busy multiple times per day -- no word on what campus that was, or there'd likely be a stampede in the admissions office. Not all students are that promiscuous, though; almost 2 in 10 (18%) reported they do the deed from "every few months" to "less than a few times per year." Poor kids.
Double Digit Partners
86% of the respondents have had between 1 and 10 sexual partners, with 10% confessing to more than 15. The number of partners for the largest percentage of respondents? 38% reported having racked up between 2 and 4 partners.
The Question of Condoms
While the majority of 18-24 year old respondents (44%) wear a condom most of the time they have sex, about 1 in 4 (23%) either only wear a condom some of the time they have sex, or never wear one at all. Looks like "No glove, no love" lasted about as long as Myspace -- this seems ill-advised.
It's Not All Hookups
While 42% of those surveyed said they were in a casual relationship or a "friends with benefits" arrangement with one or more people, the largest group (44%) said they were in a serious relationship. Fifteen percent are not in a relationship at all.
No Desire to Stray, Unless...
Even with all the hooking up going on, 78% of the respondents said they have never cheated on their partner. When asked if they would cheat knowing they would never get caught, though, 22% said they would. (No stats on how many of those respondents were Poli Sci majors, unfortunately.)
Women on Top
The most popular sexual position among college students? Ride 'em cowgirl -- face to face with the girl on top was the favorite of 32% of those surveyed. Second place goes to the often maligned — and apparently very underrated — missionary position with 28%, just barely beating out doggy style, in third place with 25%.
Does Size Matter?
Bad news. It seems size does matter, with 83% of those responding saying it was "very" or "somewhat" important.
Talk Dirty to Me
The 18-24 year olds surveyed like their sex to be vocal. And dirty. 45% said they like dirty talk, and another 45% said "yes, depending on their mood."
Watch Out For the Interns
When asked what they planned on doing in the future, 33% said they wanted to have sex at work. 28% want that sex to be with a co-worker or their boss; must be an authority figure thing. 28% also said they want to have sex with a teacher. Attention colleges: better start installing locks on the inside of the supply room closets.
Nice to Meet You, Let's Have Sex
One in four students surveyed (25%) said they want to have sex with a stranger, defined as someone they have known less than 6 hours.
Keep it On the Down Low
Not everyone is out there bragging about sex -- 65% said they talk about the details of their sex lives with friends "only sometimes" or "rarely," and 15% said they never talk about it at all. Two in 10 (20%) said they give details to friends "often" or "all the time."
Let's Go to the Videotape
They may not talk about their sex lives, but college students have no problem documenting it on video. While 41% said they would never make a sex tape, 54% said they would, or would be open to it. One in 20 college students (5%) admitted they are already breaking out the cam during sex.
Not All Experimenting Happens in the Lab
How adventurous do these students get? 40% describe themselves as "open-minded" and like experimenting with new things. 35% will occasionally try something new, while only 15% are not open to any experimentation. It looks like funded research projects are not the only innovation happening on campus, as 11% consider themselves "innovators," claiming that they are always making up new ways to spice it up in the bedroom.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
When asked how satisfied they were with their sex lives, 58% said they were "very satisfied." Only 8% said they were not very satisfied, or not satisfied at all. (Probably because they're hooking up with the 15% who aren't open to experimentation? Just a guess.)
All this data is making us miss college so much that we're almost considering heading back for another degree.
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