What Was Happening Last Time The Bills Won The AFC East At Home?
The Bills have now won back to back AFC East Championships. Last year there were no fans. This year they had company to watch it happen.
The players will tell you that they still haven't reached their goal. That winning the AFC East wasn't the ultimate goal. They're dreaming bigger than that. They want to win a Super Bowl. I believe that. But to say that this wasn't a big deal wouldn't be true either. It was huge for them, and to do it at home in front of their fans made it even more special.
It's a feat that hasn't been accomplished in Buffalo since December 17, 1995. The world was a lot different back then.
I was trying to think about what was going on for me in 1995 the last time this happened. I was a senior in high school. We were in the middle of basketball season where I sat the bench (I could foul like the best of them but scoring, passing, rebounding...not so much).
Can you remember what you were doing in 1995? Did you live in Buffalo? Were you in the same job/profession? Were you with your current spouse? Did you have kids yet?
I did a little research to see what else was happening in Buffalo and across the country in December of 1995. It feels like it was a lifetime ago. Hopefully the next time we get to watch the Bills wrap up a division championship at home it doesn't feel so far away.
Last Time The Bills Won The AFC East At Home
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