Have a Donut (or a Dozen) for National Donut Day
If you put down that morning Cruller or Long John because you're trying to watch your figure or keep your blood sugar from skyrocketing, go ahead and have one. Just tell yourself it's National Donut Day.
That's right, even America's most popular morning treat has its own day and today, June 7th, is the day. It happens every year on the first Friday in June, according to our calendar of strange June holidays.
National Donut Day got its start during World War I, thanks to the Salvation Army. The treats became a popular snack among soldiers in 1917 after an ensign nurse named Helen Purvience served one to a soldier. Pretty soon, other soldiers started asking for a donut and the Salvation Army eventually developed the recipe we know and love today. The first Friday in June became National Donut Day as another way of honoring US troops and veterans after Memorial Day. You can still make them the old fashioned way with the Salvation Army's original recipe.
Another legend claims the treats came from Dutch settlers way back in the 1940s. Hansen Gregory claimed to have invented the familiar shape of the donut while traveling on a ship in 1847 by punching a hole in it because he was tired of the doughy treat's undercooked center.
All this talk of donuts is really making us hungry for one. Luckily, several popular donut chains are offering some specials to celebrate this sugar filled day. Krispy Kreme is giving each customer a free donut hot out of the oil, one per customer, of course. Dunkin' Donuts is offering a free donut with the purchase of a beverage.
Now you have no excuse not to get one. Just do an extra set of situps tomorrow.
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