Snow Storm For Drive Home Friday in Western New York?
After Monday's surprise snowstorm made things messy driving home we might be in for an even tougher time on Friday.

Winter isn't exactly ending nicely for Buffalo and Western New York this year. It's been a weird season, for sure. First, we had the November storm. Then the Christmas Blizzard. Recently an ice storm, but thankfully that wasn't *too* bad. In between has been even more bizarre. There's been a 60+ degree day and very little snow compared to most years.
Forecasters can have a tough time predicting the weather here as well because Lake Eire makes things, well, unpredictable. It's a large region and a shallow lake where the weather can change on a dime. For example on Monday, February 27, 2023, there was a winter weather advisory for southern Erie County and the Southern Tier in general. The city of Buffalo and Northtowns wasn't expected to see much of the anticipated storm.
They were wrong.
Several inches of snow fell very quickly downtown and into Tonawanda during the afternoon rush hour drive making the commute home for thousands very, very slow. That's just how it goes sometimes with Buffalo weather, and we might be in for more of it soon.
Snow Storm For Drive Home Friday in Western New York?
According to Channel 4, we may have a repeat of Monday's drive home this Friday, March 3, 2023. In fact, it could be even worse.
As always there is an emphasis on COULD. It's just so hard to predict especially this time of year. Another model meteorologist Mike Cejka projected was this:
Regardless, make sure you are prepared. Have a full tank of gas, fill your windshield wiper fluid, or work from home that day if you are able.
Buffalo Blizzard of 2022
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