Student Offers Exam Bonus Points To Student With Lowest Score
An incredible story out of Kentucky, that involves a student offering up their bonus points to another student.
According to WGRZ, a student at Letcher County Central High School in Kentucky wrote an asterisk on his or her WWII exam to the teacher that requested his or her bonus points be given to the student with the lowest score.
It read, "If you could, can you give my bonus points to whoever scores the lowest?"
The student's name is not known but their teacher, Winston Lee, posted the kind gesture on Facebook and the note went viral.
"One of my guys, a straight A+ guy, offers up his 5 bonus points to someone in need. Anyone. Totally offering up what is rightfully his, his earning, to any peer that may have been struggling especially hard the day of the test," Lee wrote in a Facebook post.
Some comments were skeptical about giving free points to a low test score but Lee said he disagrees.
"Students' exam performance is sometimes unpredictable. Lots of our students may be bad 'test-takers' or distracted by a situation at home or other negative circumstances that made them perform at a lower level on a particular day," Lee said.
You can read the full story at WGRZ.