Buffalo’s Central Terminal in the ’70s [PHOTOS]
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Buffalo's Central Terminal was built by the New York Central Railroad, with construction starting in 1926. It opened in 1929, and the last passenger train left the terminal in 1979.
But is the Buffalo Central Terminal haunted? As of now, I do not see any information if they are still conducting guided tours. However, the Terminal has been featured both locally and nationally as having a strong presence for paranormal activity.
I remember my grandfather telling me that at the time the Terminal was the center of activity for anyone traveling to anywhere in the country. Soldiers were shipped off to war with most never returning so it was a highly emotional place with some people saying goodbye to loved ones for the last time. Many people collectively giving off the same energy definitely does have an effect, especially if it is one of sadness. So it is possible that that energy is still alive and well within the confines of its walls.
Over the last few decades, it was obviously neglected, vandalized with much of it starting to deteriorate. However, the preservation group Central Terminal Restoration Corporation (CTRC) has secured the site and is working towards restoration.
Currently, CTRC holds over 30 events that included guided haunted tours. More info HERE